Last week, Danny and I released our new book,
Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.6.
Bestseller Status
We made it as a #1 bestseller in the Programming and in the Python categories on Amazon.
The 1.6 edition is still a "#1 Python Bestseller" as of now:
Screenshot from Amazon showing our book as a #1 Python bestseller. |
At one point, it even ranked #33 overall in Amazon's entire Education & Reference Books category.
This is what happens when you write thoughtfully, with careful attention to detail, and with strong intentions to create a truly helpful reference book.
Huge Thank You to Supporters
Response from buyers of the 1.6 edition has been overwhelmingly positive and glowing. We are getting your emails and messages, and they really touch our hearts and mean a lot to us.
We released the 1.5 edition over a year ago. The 1.6 edition took several additional months of work. The positive response from readers is what has made all of our effort worthwhile.
Special thanks to all who reviewed the book on and other international Amazon sites.
Autographed Copies
Last week, we autographed around 50 copies and mailed them out around the world. This was a lot of fun. Some of the copies may be autographed a bit wildly, with completely wacky humor. We got a bit carried away, doing our best to put a lot of thought and care into sending each package.
For anyone who didn't get an autographed copy:
- We are waiting for another shipment of books to arrive on our doorstep. Once it arrives, we'll have more available through
- We're also happy to autograph books in person. We won't be able to make it to conferences this year, but we're thinking of doing a road trip at some point and might visit some user groups.
The Last of the Series
As we mentioned, the 1.6 edition is the last Two Scoops of Django book that we will ever create. It is a major expansion and rewrite of the book, with countless tips from readers incorporated into the material.
It was a major effort, and we are incredibly proud of the results. But we are tired now, and we are done. Our time has come to move on to other great things.
Our Long History of Listening to Feedback
We have updated the
FAQ again with more answers to common questions. To save us from typing and repetitive stress injury pain, please check there first if you have a common question or comment.
Remember, we have a long, long history of
always listening to reader feedback and trying our best, but that our physical and mental health, family, and work have to come first.
We will continue to try our best, but please understand we're backlogged with work and family obligations (not to mention open source project maintenance obligations). Right now, getting our lives in order is our top priority.